Posts tagged ignorance
Showing UP for Sophia: And Like That, She's Gone

I have work to do, but I can’t stop crying. I have to get it out first. I have to be with this. I have to feel it all. Even when my breath tightens, even when my legs can’t stop shaking, even when I have to pause typing for every word to cry. I have to understand why I feel like such a failure. I have to know to go forward. Deep down I already know what it is, I’ve just never named it. Only shamed and blamed it in others.

This is my mid-life crisis. This is where I see all of my shit. Where I face my shadows, the darker parts of myself that I don’t want you to know. So why am I telling you now? Because I’m done hiding.

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Throwback Thursday - "What have you learned since your first day of high school?" (1992 English assignment)

They say, "I know you. I understand." Understand. This is a word quite easy to say, but usually difficult to do. Over the past three years I have been trying to realize the true meaning of this word and use it to its fullest. Maturity begins in the soul and progresses with experience of new ideas, adventures and time. The name calling, fights, betrayal of friends and involvement with the law have all matured my soul from a fragile teenager into a knowledgeable young lady.

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